Are you interested to join us?

The Society for Mycotoxin Research is devoted to fostering and encouraging science and research. The Society aims at the voluntary association of scientists who are actively interested in mycotoxin research and related fields of science. This purpose, for example, shall be achieved by arranging scientific meetings which are dedicated to knowledge transfer and continuing education in the area of mycotoxin research.

New members obtain their membership by a written offer of admission, on which the Board of Directors decides.

If you want to join the Society as a full member, please download one of the following forms (german members including the declaration of payment by mandate). Please send the completed application by ordinary mail to the bureau of the secretary (adress given within the form):

Application form (Word; PDF

Beitrittserklärung (Word; PDF)

Einzugsermächtigung (direct debit authorization, Erklärung zur Abbuchung vom Konto) (Word; PDF)

For further information please contact the following person:

Phone: +49 (0) 8161/71-3720

Annual membership fees:

  • 60 € (ordinary membership)
  • 200 € (institutional and company membership)
  • 25 € (student membership; please add a copy of the student verification)

The annual membership fee includes:

  • reduced conference fees for the annual Mycotoxin Workshop (provided a minimum membership period of a calendar year without open membership fees)
  • free participation at the Mycotoxin Workshop web conference in 2021
  • printed versions of the official Journal of the society (Mycotoxin Research)
  • full access to the electronic version of "Mycotoxin Research" via the publisher (Springer Verlag)
  • discount on books orders from the scientific publisher, Springer

Note: According to Article 5 of the bylaws a written application for membership is acquired. The Board of Directors decides on the acceptance of the application.

Copyright © 2021 Society for Mycotoxin Research/ Gesellschaft für Mykotoxinforschung e.V. (GMF) 

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